About Me
Welcome to me newly updated blog combining a brand new design and a sleeker look . My name is Lowri and I live in North Wales. I was born with a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) – defined as ‘a defect that affects the structure and function of the heart and is present at birth’. I’ve had a number of surgeries and non-invasive procedures over the years and recently, a number of friends have commented that “you could write a book about your experiences”. Last year I had a number of emergency admissions to my local hospital and it was during this time that I decided I would write a blog.
I hope that sharing my experiences will give patients and parents/carers more confidence about handling the condition and also help them feel less isolated. Current statistics show around 1 in 125 babies born in the UK has a CHD (www.tinytickers.org) of one type or another, meaning there is a whole tribe of us out there living our lives – so it’s great if we can support each other!

If your a patient who just wants to meet others or would like to share experiences please get in touch. If you are a medic who would like a chart please get in touch. Or if you are a parent of a child with CHD and want to know more just say hello. I’d love to hear from you.